Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Translogical Sentimentalism!

Huh! What in heaven's sake does that mean ? Oh well, I just went about neologistic in an eccentric mood in naming a new form of literature I just thought about! Well, I am not strictly "positive definite" on whether it is a new form of literature, but probably, in the sense that I am trying to combine both my left and right brain activities in a cohesive framework, it could be! An illustration of this idea is depicted in the story here.

Another example which I just thought about is the following! Well, forgive my thoughts in random directions!

Patterns of distances: Like my friend once pointed out, humans can't really digest random events. They always try to find patterns in them and tries to "predict" what could be next! The following are the distances of myself from my home in ascending order of time which I had thought about in a rather pensive mood of homesickenss. (O(x) means "in the order of")

0 ~ O(0) - 1980 - unborn
8kms ~ O(10) - 1985 - home to school
165kms ~ O(100) - 1998 - home to college
1330kms ~ O(1000) - 2005 - home to Hyderabad (for work)
13832kms ~ O(10000)- 2007 - home to Minneapolis

Now where could I be next to satisfy the geometric progression ? Doesn't it look like a Translogical or Pseudo mathematical sentimentalism ? :P where you bring about logic and sentiments into one framework ?

1 comment:

Ravi said...

mixing technology and pshcye is not always a gud idea but then the ideas presented are definitely intruiguingly characterised and dwelled upon with scholastic finnesse. .... i think math is the answer...
PS: please dnt bother to answer.. i like to yap a lot... but u write well .. keep the gud work :)